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Three Types of Sin

Writer's picture: Min. Larry WilliamsMin. Larry Williams

It is true that many deny the reality of sin. They feel that sin is an expression of one's free will and one's natural behavior. However, the Holy Spirit says sin is real and destructive. "Everyone that does sin does also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness" (1 John 3:4). Furthermore, sin separates man and God (Is 59:1-2). Nadab and Abihu illustrate a sinful act in worship. Inasmuch as they used unauthorized fire in an offering to God and they disastrously died before the altar (Lev. 10:1-10). The next three weeks or articles will examine three types of sins: the sin of ignorance, sin of omission and sin of commission. Sin is as real as the rising sun in the east and the setting sun in the west. Sin is the expression of idolatry and the rejection of the real God of heaven (Rom 1:18-31). For unforgiving sins, all will stand before the White Throne of judgment (Rev 20:8-15). It pleased the Lord to bruise His Son, to put His Son to grief and pour out his Son's soul as a sin offering (Is 53:10). Sinners have an opportunity to mend their broken relationships with God obeying the gospel. It is to hear His Son (Acts 15:7), believe His Son (Acts 15:7), change your lifestyle (Luke 13:3), confess His Son (Matt 10:32-33) and be baptized into His Son (Gal 3:25-27).

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